The impact of COVID-19 on food supply chains: challenges and opportunities for the private sector

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has released today at the second CEO consultation for the UN Food System Summit an issue brief exploring the barriers and opportunities that have arisen from COVID-19 and impacted food systems.

Business and labor organizations call for renewed multilateralism from G20 countries

eaders from 13 international business and labor organizations joined voices to send a strong message to G20 countries to urge them to step up collaboration at the global level to tackle our global crises, including the unprecedented health and economic devastation that COVID-19 has created.

Reinventing capitalism: WBCSD lays out a transformation agenda for business

Geneva, 11 November 2020: By any standards, 2020 has been a year of attention-consuming news stories. Even with the pandemic, unprecedented wildfires across huge swathes of the northern and southern hemispheres, and most recently the US elections, the debate about the future of capitalism has been playing out in the mainstream media, alongside questions about the […]

WBCSD releases exploration into systems transformation in support of inclusive and sustainable growth for business

Geneva, 11 June 2020: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released its latest Vision 2050 issue brief which draws upon a broad range of expert opinion and research to present a concise overview of how systems transformation occurs. It provides business with a common understanding of the role it can and must play in accelerating […]

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