Scope 3 Data and MRV Guidance for Agriculture and Food 

It is critical for agri-food businesses to drive effective sustainability action on the ground if they are to meet climate commitments, respond to external expectations and address climate risks. To do so, agri-food businesses need to put into practice and account for scalable agricultural practice change.   To account for the impacts of agricultural practice change, […]

Scope 3 Navigator for Agriculture and Food 

Agrifood value chains must address barriers to scope 3 emissions reductions and removals associated with land use. This is essential to accelerate value chain interventions and the flow of much-needed investment. To do so, agri-food businesses need to put into practice and account for scalable agricultural practice change.   To ensure that carbon accounting standards and […]

Integrated Performance Management Framework

In a world where executing strategies remains a challenge for 70-80% of companies and 95% of employees struggle to grasp their role’s  impact on success, a transformative solution emerges.   WBCSD and AICPA & CIMA have explored the concept of Integrated Performance Management (IPM), now launching a new IPM framework. IPM is a holistic approach to corporate performance […]

Repurposing subsidies for equitable and regenerative agriculture 

Agricultural subsidies are estimated to exceed USD $635 billion per year and offer a considerable source of public finance. However, while subsidies often aim to assure producer livelihoods, enable price stability, lower prices for consumers to safeguard food and nutrition security, foster innovation and improve environmental outcomes, they often finance practices that lead to social, […]

Unlocking finance for food system transformation: why metrics matter

In 2023, it was reported that only 4% of global climate finance goes to agrifood systems despite the system being responsible for nearly a third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Over this last year, I have heard multiple calls from business for financial institutes to better support food system transformation through offering products and […]

Four steps that financial institutions can take to integrate deforestation into financial disclosure 

My interest in protecting forests began when I was aged 12, when one of my school teachers shared photographs of the deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil. As an adult, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit this important ecosystem and witness firsthand the continuing destruction. Forests provide critical services like absorbing […]

Financing mechanisms for land-based action

Land-based investments that reduce or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions present a critical opportunity for companies, particularly those in the agriculture and food sectors, to contribute significantly to climate mitigation and adaptation.   This white paper informs and guides corporate stakeholders on how to effectively scale financing in land-based interventions. It provides an overview of the […]

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