a unique business-led initiative to scale up responsible meat

28 October, 2021Type
PublicationWith a list of material topics that builds on current scientific understanding of the most important issues along the pork value chain, ReMI describes potential challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of the industry and provides action areas and targets to scale up responsible meat production and consumption.
ReMI acknowledges that meat, as high-quality protein source, is an integral part of many food cultures and it is critical source of nutrition, but its production, supply and consumption currently have a high environmental and social impact. Despite growing consumer concern in the sustainability aspects of food, it remains a challenge to shift consumer decisions at the point of sale.
In order to identify motivations, barriers, and levers to shift consumer behavior towards more sustainable meat products, WBCSD conducted an analysis that provides members with potential market interventions that can be prototyped, tested, improved up on, and launched to market.