Market engagement
The Jaipur market is very dynamic and has significant energy saving potential. Jaipur is the largest city in Rajasthan. Its population increased from 2.3 million in 2001 to 3.1 million in 2011 and is projected to double to 6.5 million by 2025. This will generate demand for approximately 650,000 new residential units.
EEB lab
The EEB lab took place on September 15-16, 2015. The scope was new construction in offices, malls, hospitality and residential sectors. Topics discussed were: awareness and the multiple benefits of EEB; workforce capacity; financing and policy and regulation.
Post EEB lab activities
Jaipur Energy Efficiency Network (JEEN) was launched in June 2016. The launch event supported the sharing of best practices and promotion of a data driven approach to EEB. With a collective representation from over 40 companies, the platforms provide an opportunity for stakeholders in the buildings value chain to collaborate, discuss market barriers and engage in peer learning activities for adoption of energy efficiency measures.
November 8 – 2016 – JEEN organized a workshop with the Public Works Department of the Govt. of Rajasthan. 2 local Jaipur Case Studies were presented as per the EEB toolkit.
November 10- 2016 – ITC Rajuptana provided a case study to explain how they have saved energy in their hotels. The case study is one more example that illustrates the EEB toolkit : Your guide to making the business case for saving energy in your buildings!