Priorities To accomplish its mission, CEBDS’ objectives and strategic direction are focused in four value proposals: Contact cebds@cebds.org

ACCIÓN Empresas (Chile)

About ACCIÓN Empresas is the largest sustainability network for companies at a national level, and our goal is to improve the lives of people and the planet through corporate sustainability. Therefore, we generate and offer different forms of participation at various levels that enable our member companies to improve their social and environmental business performance. […]


About The Colombian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CECODES) was created in 1993 by a group of Colombian businesses concerned with a fundamental question: How to achieve continuous economic growth, which would offer opportunities to more people while protecting the environment and using natural resources efficiently? For more than 25 years, CECODES has been leading […]

Alianza Empresarial para el Desarrollo (AED)

About The AED guides the business sector to consider sustainable management principles and responsible business conduct as part of their business operations, reducing negative impacts and maximizing positive impacts on society, the environment and the economy. Priorities As part of its Value Proposition, AED conducts trainings and capacity building for continuous improvement of member companies, joining […]


Priorities A clean, affordable and secure energy supply  Contact Jimmy Andrade, Managing Director    

BCSD El Salvador (CEDES)

About CEDES provides targeted support to the private sector by way of sharing information on best practices and sector-specific sustainability trends, specific WBCSD projects, technical workshops, and events. Through these activities, CEDES helps companies define sustainability objectives and indicators for their business, to measure performance and strive for continuous improvement. Priorities Main work areas are: […]

BCSD Guatemala (CentraRSE)

Background information The Guatemalan Business Council for Sustainable Development – CentraRSE, Centro para la Acción de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Guatemala – is a private, autonomous, apolitical organization that is formed by a group of member companies and supported by a staff of ten people dedicated to promoting and supporting companies with Business Social Responsibility practices. CentraRSE is a partner to all companies, from the […]


About Our mission is to promote organizational transformation through leadership and responsible business conduct. Over the years, we have developed several initiatives by being leaders in fostering the sustainability of organizations.  FUNDAHRSE is a member of the following organizations:  Priorities We have developed programs focused on strengthening the following themes: ethics, corporate governance, anti-corruption, quality education, […]


Activities Contact José Ramon Ardavin, Director Adjunto cespedes@cce.org.mx


About Sumarse is committed to leading CSR in Panama by creating awareness, strategic alliances and training programs. Furthermore, it attempts to be an entity that constitutes and coordinates a network of cooperation, both at the national and international levels, to support the promotion of CSR.  Activities Through its CSR, ESG, and SDG programs focused on […]

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