21 October, 2018Type
PublicationFReSH (Food Reform for Sustain ability and Health) is a key WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) project which emerged from our partnership with EAT in response to the accelerating global problem our planet and people are facing: one -third of the food produced is lost or wasted and 40% of agricultural soil is degraded, yet 800 million people are undernourished and food insecurity is generating civil unrest. In addition, 2 billion adults are overweight, leading to increased numbers of noncommunicable diseases and associated healthcare costs in both the developing an d the developed world. Fixing this broken system can’t be done through a piecemeal process. It requires a full-scale transformation.
FReSH aims to develop business solutions that create healthy, enjoyable diets for all, produced responsibly, within planetary boundaries by 2030. Acknowledging that business has played a key role in the food system both on the positive and the negative side, FReSH members are joining forces to develop solutions providing healthy, enjoyable diets for all whilst contributing to socioeconomic development and minimizing (and eventually eliminating) environmental impacts and waste.