08 November, 2016Type
PublicationThe Paris Agreement entered into force on Friday 4th November 2016 and it was a global signal that the transition to a low carbon economy is stronger than it has ever been before. In this context, the Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi) is a very powerful initiative. It is a distinctive collaborative platform positioned to accelerate structural transformation, technological change and innovation, and support ambitious climate action at the company level.
Collaborative initiatives are not easy. They require concerted efforts and the collective will to move participants in the same direction. But 2016 has proved the strength of the LCTPi methodology. LCTPi brings forward-thinking companies together to share a vision, agree and deliver actions, report progress and then re-evaluate whether the vision is still valid or whether it needs to be upgraded.
As the world holds governments to account for the commitments made in Paris, we are committed to doing our part by reporting how LCTPi has started to deliver the solutions that will keep the world ahead of its emission targets. Demonstrating implementation progress is critical to achieving the climate goals. It helps companies understand the solutions, provides peer learning, and builds the confidence required for more businesses to implement climate solutions. Tracking and verifying progress on the LCTPi is also essential for the credibility of our “business determined contribution” to the global effort.
This is the first annual report in which we share progress on the 8 current LCTPi working groups in their first year of implementation. By reporting on progress and continuously expanding solutions, business can also help governments deliver on their climate commitments. We hope that our report inspires governments, as they review and upgrade their national climate plans, to increase their ambition.