What nature can do for the climate in a post-COVID world


12 November, 2020


WBCSD insights



Justin Adams, Claire O'Neill, Gabriela Martinez

  • In a year of global setbacks – coronavirus, delayed conferences, failed targets – climate action has still been on the rise;
  • A race to zero CO2 emissions needs to be coupled with nature-positive investment to both tackle environmental challenges and support an economic recovery;
  • Nature-based solutions, including natural climate solutions, can address both climate and nature goals. The Natural Climate Solutions Alliance is working to unlock the potential of working with nature to fight climate change.

Business are in a race to zero

How to harness the power of nature for the climate

A collective effort to unlock the potential of natural climate solutions

Building a strong demand for natural climate solutions

Companies and organizations must continue to exhibit a strong demand for carbon credits from natural climate solutions. This will provide governments and policy-makers with the confidence they need to scale investment and incorporate this approach into the green recovery.

In the run-up to COP26 and the UN Biodiversity COP next year, the NCS Alliance is convening industry and civil society leaders to strengthen the narrative and the role of carbon offsets as integral components of a credible route to net-zero emissions. This presents a unique opportunity to harness collective action to preserve and conserve nature and biodiversity while achieving global climate goals and paving the way to building a greener and better post-COVID world.

Justin Adams is Executive Director at the Tropical Forest Alliance, World Economic Forum;
Claire O’Neill is Managing Director of Climate and Energy, WBCSD;
Gabriela Martinez is a Specialist, World Economic Forum.