WBCSD publishes business briefing on “Tomorrow’s Markets Today” report


29 June, 2021




Geneva, 29 June 2021: Today the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) published a business briefing on the report “Tomorrow’s Markets Today: Scaling up demand for climate-neutral basic materials and products”, originally published in May 2021 by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), CLG Europe and Agora Energiewende.

The business briefing is intended to amplify the potential for demand-led policies to help support industries providing climate-neutral materials, keeping the key actions alive as we approach a critical phase of EU climate policy. This briefing is intended for practical use by leading companies looking to support the discussion on how European demand-side policies can be used at various stages of the value chain, with a view to accelerating the demand for climate-neutral materials and products towards achieving a net-zero economy.

The EU has already enshrined its 2030 climate target into law and has started to roll out a series of policies and regulations that will facilitate the implementation needed to bring the EU on track to achieving these ambitious goals. It is therefore crucial for key stakeholders, including leading businesses, to join in the ongoing policy debates and advocate for the right policy levers that will help accelerate the transition.

The briefing provides practical steps for business to support upcoming demand-side EU policies as well as how to adjust business operations and embrace full value chain solutions to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Claire O’Neill, Managing Director, WBCSD said “As the European Commission continues to develop new legislative proposals related to decarbonising EU industry and the need to create markets for more sustainable products materials, this business briefing can provide a concrete docking point for how businesses engage in these key political processes.”

Eliot Whittington, Director of CLG Europe said: “Achieving climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 requires the rapid decarbonization of European industry. While growing number of businesses are transitioning towards using climate-neutral materials, existing market barriers hinder this progress. European policymakers have the opportunity to unlock demand for climate-friendly goods and to provide the certainty businesses need to scale up investment, innovation and the pace of European action in the race to zero.”

To find out more about this business briefing, kindly contact Karl Vella, WBCSD Manager, International Climate Policy, and Michael Ofosuhene-Wise, WBCSD Associate, Climate Policy.

The original report can also be accessed here: “Tomorrow’s Markets Today: Scaling up demand for climate neutral basic materials and products”