BCSD Singapore advances the fight against food loss and waste


01 April, 2016




Singapore Business Council for Sustainable Development invited business and government representatives to contribute to the finalization of the Food Loss and Waste Protocol by providing feedback and pilot testing the methodology. 

The call is open to entities all around the world.  The Protocol aims to become the most widely used international accounting and reporting standard for quantifying food loss and waste along the food supply chain. It is developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in conjunction with the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), FAOFUSIONSUNEP, the WBCSD, and WRAP.

Standardized quantification is a crucial step in reducing food loss and waste that currently makes up a staggering 32% of all food produced in the world. It has severe environmental, economic and social impacts. “If the industry does not move fast enough toward lower food loss and waste ratesThen it should expect some sort of mandatory measures from governments which are increasingly concerned about environmental and food security issues.

- Constant van Aerschot, executive director, BCSD Singapore

External reviewers of the draft document are asked to provide feedback by mid-May while entities agreeing to pilot test the protocol can report back on their experience by mid-June. Find more information about the Protocol, the review process and pilot testing opportunities at WRI’s dedicated site.