Founded in 1989, oebu is the oldest Swiss association for sustainable business. The organization and its members represent a widespread network of companies supporting sustainable development across economic sectors and branches.
Our over 300 Swiss member companies pledge to develop their activities towards a more sustainable future, in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Since 2013, the association has also acted as a regional network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
oebu’s goal is to foster the full integration of social and environmental principles into the corporate strategy and management system of companies. oebu builds bridges between businesses, government, NGOs, academia, and society. It campaigns for framework requirements that support the conversion towards a truly sustainable economy.
oebu promotes competencies, raises awareness, and supports the implementation of sustainability at the heart of the economic sector. It provides knowledge transfer, focusing on relevant topics such as circular economy, sustainable supply chains, people as catalysts for sustainable development, digitalization, climate change and energy, biodiversity or sustainable management.
Olmar Albers, Managing Director