Sika uses the Circular Transition Indicators to help deliver more value and less impact


18 January, 2021




WBCSD member Sika, a specialty chemicals company with a leading position in the development and production of systems and products to the building sector and motor vehicle industry, has shared a short case study to highlight their recent experience and learnings of using the Circular Transition Indicators framework.

Sika is dedicated to continuously measure, improve, report and communicate sustainable value creation. They have explored CTI as a complementary tool to help them deliver on their “More Value, Less Impact” long-standing commitment to maximizing the value of their solutions and contributions to all stakeholders while reducing risks and resource consumption.

Working in close collaboration with their research & development experts, Sika have used the information provided by CTI to quantify the impact of raw material optimization opportunities on the circularity of new product developments – demonstrating the strength of the methodology to support the innovation process, especially when used as part of an interdisciplinary approach.

We are aiming at collecting companies’ experiences with the methodology and the CTI online tool through the case studies which will be available through our CTI Academy services on our website.