Circular Views Episode V: Podcast on the circular policy


16 October, 2021




Geneva, 16 October 2021 – Today, the Circular Economy program of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launches Episode V of Circular Views – the podcast series to learn about the circular economy.

As the momentum around the circular economy continues to grow, more and more companies become interested in how they can start their journey. Though the business opportunity and the positive environmental impact of the circular economy is increasingly evident, much of the material available remains highly theoretical. We imagined the Circular Views as a medium to provide more insights in this space through discussions with business leaders from companies at the forefront of the circular journey.

For the fifth episode, we invited Eva Carranza from Holcim and Jonathan Cocker from BLG, who both contributed to the newly published Policy Brief: driving the transition to the circular economy to discuss key policy priorities for business to accelerate their circular transition. They have shared with us why they believe an enabling circular policy environment is key to leverage the circular opportunity and highlighted some practical examples of where policy would truly benefit an effective transition.

Stay tuned for more episodes of Circular Views. Listen to it on:



If you missed our previous episodes, you can access them here:

Circular Views Episode I – Circular Metrics

Circular Views Episode II – Circular Bioeconomy

Circular Views Episode III – Circular Electronics

Circular Views Episode IV – Circular Plastics & Packaging