Vision 2050 Water & Sanitation Pathway: We can keep water flowing for all


19 August, 2021


WBCSD insights



Joe Phelan

  1. Water and sanitation are available for all.  
  2. Water is appropriately valued.  
  3. Water and sanitation resources are managed in a circular fashion.
  4. Water quality and ecosystems are protected. 
  1. Establish appropriate water targets at the corporate level that are informed by science and help to drive context-specific watershed actions. 
  2. Strengthen corporate disclosure of water-related dependencies and impacts, referring to the true value of water.  
  3. Implement water stewardship approaches that drive socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable, and economically productive water use. 
  4. Safely treat all wastewater and increase water recycling and reuse while reducing pollution and eliminating the release of hazardous chemicals and materials. 
  5. Enhance consumer awareness of appropriate water behaviors and innovate around products that help reduce water use in day-to-day activities. 
  6. Advance water-smart agriculture solutions to support production in contexts of growing water scarcity. 
  7. Take action to ensure access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, while also raising awareness about hygiene practices, throughout company operations and supply chains. 
  8. Collaborate with governments to advance the policies, safety standards, and blended finance solutions needed to build water and sanitation-related infrastructure in under-served regions and stimulate a thriving sanitation economy. 
  9. Come together with peers and wider stakeholder groups to consolidate and enhance water and sanitation-related data availability.
  10. Collaborate on and invest in efforts to clean up, restore, and monitor water-related ecosystems.  
