‘ESG Spain 2021 – Corporate Sustainability Forum’ by Forética presents the keys to accelerate business transformation that fosters a sustainable, green and inclusive recovery


01 October, 2021




The ninth edition of the ‘ESG Spain 2021: Corporate Sustainability Forum’, organized by Forética, was  held on 29 September, consolidating itself as the benchmark business meeting in the field of sustainability (environmental, social and good governance) in Spain, with more than 1,800 attendees. In this forum, the more than 20 speakers highlighted the importance of accelerating business action on sustainability, from the maximum ambition that allows us to respond to the important challenges we face in the context of post-COVID-19 transformation and reconstruction, addressing key national and international trends from an ESG angle.

One of the fundamental trends in sustainability this year is the ‘Vision 2050’ roadmap launched globally by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), with the aim of guiding companies in the development of actions that shape the systemic transformations necessary to achieve that more than 9,000 million people live with dignity, within planetary limits, which has been presented by Diane Holdorf, Managing Director of Food and Nature at WBCSD.

The event has been attended by international opinion leaders, noted for their contribution to business sustainability, such as Michele Wucker, one of the most influential experts in risk management and identification, author of the ‘Gray Rhinoceros’ theory.

Business transformation from an ESG perspective

In environmental matters, the promotion of business action in this area has been addressed, from the European Commission, by the Director of European and International Carbon Markets of the General Directorate of Climate Action, Beatriz Yordi. Social leverage as a fundamental part of business strategy has been analyzed by Gerbrand Haverkamp, ​​Executive Director of the World Benchmarking Alliance, an international organization of which Forética is a member. From the angle of transparency, the latest advances in reporting have been presented by Jonathan Labrey, Chief Policy Officer at The Value Reporting Foundation, an organization resulting from the union of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

In addition, the forum has feature the vision and business experience of different leading companies in their sectors such as Accenture, Amazon, CaixaBank, Chiesi, ManpowerGroup, Mutua Madrileña, Naturgy and P&G.

The Honor Committee of the meeting is chaired by H.M. King Felipe VI, with the participation of the President of the Government of Spain, Mr. Pedro Sánchez; the President of the Spanish Parliament, Ms. Meritxell Batet; the President of the Spanish Senate, Mr. Ander Gil; the President of the Spanish Economic and Social Council, Mr. Antón Costas; the President of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations, Mr. Antonio Garamendi; the President of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Mr. José Luis Bonet, together with the Presidents and CEOs who are part of the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development.

More information about the forum (in Spanish) here