WBCSD today released its online Sustainable Mobility planning tool at the annual CIVITAS Conference on sustainable urban mobility in Gdynia, Poland.
Geneva, 29 September 2016 – The online tool was developed following the success of the Sustainable Mobility Project 2.0 (SMP 2.0) in six demonstrator cities. The project has been widely recognized as a game-changer for cities aiming to improve their sustainable mobility planning.
The online tool is designed to increase the accessibility and user-friendliness of the sustainable mobility indicators and the mobility solutions and toolbox of SMP2.0. Access to the calculation of the indicators is free and open to all cities.
This tool builds on the recognized success of the project. The European Commission has endorsed the project’s output of sustainable mobility indicators and SMP2.0 has been nominated as a Transport Quickwin at COP22.
The European Commission encourages European cities to use the sustainable mobility indicators to measure and improve their individual mobility footprint, and is looking into ways to offer technical assistance to a significant number of European cities to collect the data and calculate the indicators.
Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport said: “The set of indicators from WBCSD is very thorough and covers all EU urban mobility policy objectives. We encourage cities to make use of them, both to assess their current situation and to monitor the results of their urban mobility strategy and measures. This new tool will allow cities to perform useful analysis and make fact-based decisions, which will help achieve the objectives set forth by the Paris Climate Conference and make cities nicer and healthier places to live”.
WBCSD encourages cities around the world to use the entire tool, which includes an indicator methodology as well as the solution toolbox. WBCSD urges cities to implement the SMP process in partnership with relevant local entities, stakeholders and businesses – as this approach was identified as a key success factor by the six cities in which the approach was demonstrated.
Carlos Barreiro, Secretary of Transport of Campina, Brazil said: “SMP2.0 is an opportunity to develop a new way of exchanging information and working. The change of perspective while discussing with companies enabled to get a holistic and integrated view and the creation of new concepts.”
The online tool helps cities to:
- analyze their performance in terms of sustainable mobility, using 19 indicators;
- identify the most impactful mobility solutions using a database of 220 proven practices and solutions;
- develop a sustainable mobility plan in an integrated manner, looking also at suitable financial mechanisms and behavioral campaigns that can support implementation. The tool also suggests policy and infrastructure dependencies of some solutions.
- dynamically map solutions;
- export the entire set of information to pdf to support multi-stakeholder communication

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