RBF cooperates with international organizations: the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, CSR Europe, UN Global Compact, Open for Business, World Economic Forum, Climate Governance Initiative and EU Platform of Diversity Charters, as well as many other stakeholders. As the first NGO in Poland, RBF has become an organizational stakeholder of GRI.
The work of RBF encompasses three main areas:
- Working with companies for the benefit of society
- Partnership Program – the main initiative of RBF for companies interested in promoting and developing sustainability in Poland. RBF supports member companies in introducing CSR principles and helps them to put them into practice.
- Diversity Charter in Poland – promoted by the European Commission and coordinated in Poland by RBF.
- Sustainability Reports Competition – awards the best ESG and integrated reports in Poland.
- Responsible Business League – an educational program for students
- Promoting responsible business
- RBF hosts Odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl, the biggest and longest-running Polish website dedicated to responsible business and related topics which contains also the largest database with CSR good practices in Poland
- Quill of Responsibility – competition for journalists and experts
- RESPO (open) newsletters – for everyone interested in ESG trends
- Analyzing and developing responsible business
- Annual report “Responsible Business in Poland. Good practices” and other series of books, infographics, etc.
- Tools for companies (e.g. Diversity IN Check)
- Co-organization of working groups with the administration.