BCSD Zimbabwe

The Business Council for Sustainable Development Zimbabwe (BCSDZ) was previously known as the Environmental Forum of Zimbabwe. It was formed 24 years ago by a group of leading business people in Zimbabwe who shared common concerns over environmental issues and who wished to make and encourage a commitment by business to the phased implementation of environmental management programmes, and assist in enhancing appropriate knowledge.


Misheck Kachere, Chief Executive Officer, Chemplex Corporation Ltd

Managing Director, Mr. Dingane Sithole


The BCSDZ – actively promoting awareness, knowledge and practical expertise in Sustainable Development in business.

The Business Council for Sustainable Development Zimbabwe (BCSDZ) was previously known as the Environmental Forum of Zimbabwe.

It was formed 24 years ago by a group of leading business people in Zimbabwe who shared common concerns over environmental issues and who wished to make and encourage a commitment by business to the phased implementation of environmental management programmes, and assist in enhancing appropriate knowledge.  The founding members’ companies have continued to be actively involved, and have been joined by many others over the years.

While the original focus was on environmental management, in subsequent years it steadily broadened its agenda in line with international thinking to encompass Sustainable Development, involving the three interlinked pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social progress.  The change of name was therefore a logical progression.  While the BCSDZ has always been and still is entirely autonomous, it also more clearly aligned the BCSDZ with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), of which it is a long-standing global network partner.

The BCSDZ is founded on a Constitution, Mission Statement and Code of Conduct with a Board of Trustees.

The Council, which is the policy-making body, can have up to twelve elected representatives from the membership and meets quarterly.  A Management Committee oversees the implementation of the BCSDZ’s objectives.

There is a Branch in Bulawayo, and a recently restructured Branch in Mutare.

The BCSDZ has six Technical Committees on: Climate Change & Emissions; Energy; Environmental Management Act (EMA); Water; Waste; and Sustainability Reporting.    


  • The BCSDZ was the initial host organization for the National Cleaner Production Centre in which is now under the umbrella of the Scientific and Industrial Research Centre (SIRDC). The BCSDZ is also represented on various other relevant public and private sector bodies in Zimbabwe, including the Standards Association of Zimbabwe.
  • In achieving its role as a catalyst in the bringing together and sharing of knowledge on a broad range of topics theBCSDZ arranges popular seminars, technical workshops, field days, training and an annual two-day conference. At the conclusion of each annual conference a CD of the Proceedings is produced and these CD’s now constitute a formidable body of knowledge.
  • The BCSDZ also produces a quarterly electronic newsletter “BCSDZ Update, and the “BCSDZ Bulletin” and Guidance Notes as and when required. These are all e-mailed to members.
  • A feature of the BCSDZ’s activities is that many are carried out in close liaison with member organisations who host various events, provide speakers on their respective experiences and give generous sponsorship in various forms. Members who serve on the BCSDZ’s structure of various Committees do so out of personal commitment and as a community service, giving freely of their time.


Mr. Dingane Sithole, Managing Director; dingsithole@gmail.com

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